A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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    This app is in the early stage of development.
This web application  is meant to be launched in a browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge,  I've been testing it in chrome. Also, recently I have moved away from Brackets and have started using Phoenix, in which you can test quicker and easier in different browsers. 

    DM Delux Dice Roller is for anyone who needs to have a custom dice rolling app. With it you can name the dungeon master, create random warrior characters with random stats and dice modifiers, rename created warriors, or create your own characters. You can  change the dice roller background and their view perspectives to full size, stretch, or tile. Roll any size dice with 1 or more sides by adjusting the number of dice, the number of sides per dice, select + or - for the modifier, adjust the modifier. Most stuff is working, except the custom character button doesn't work yet as well as not being able to select the created warriors (which will load in buttons for different stat  / damage rolls) yet.

    As this is in early development you will most likely need to have Phoenix, Brackets or VSCode or some similar developer app to view /use the app. 

Current User Controls:

The Rollbar, which is on top of the page, and to the right of the Dungeon master's name box, lets you select the number of dice, followed by the number of sides on the die, then select plus or minus if there should be a modifier applied to the end result of the dice roll, and if so type in the modifier next. Click the ROLL  button to roll the die. the result will be shown in the text area to the right of the Rollbar, and a text pop of the final value will float out from the page, sxpanding and dissapating away. Next is a sketch of the current dice, then a series of buttons:

New Back ground: press repeatedly to cycle through the background images.

View: click to toggle between Tile, Original size, and Stretch.

Reset: Resets all to factory settings, !WARNING! This is permanent and all created     content will be lost, a working save button will be introduced in a later build.

Name DM: click to set the dungeon master's title and / or name.  click Name DM again to set the name.

New Random: click to create a totally random character complete with name, short story, and stats.

Custom:  click to create a customizeable character. NOTE: This button has not been implemented yet, but is the next thing on the list of things to do.

Rename: Click to rename any character currently being viewed, click Rename again to set the new name.

Edit story: Click to edit the character story  currently being viewed, click Edit storyagain to set the new story.

Updated 16 hours ago
Published 7 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
AuthorRoadhammer Gaming
GenreRole Playing
Tagsdice-rpg, dm-tools
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen


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RHG RPG Dice Roller DMdelux version 0_0_6.zip 1 MB

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