A downloadable game for Windows


This is a Halloween themed jam game I'm developing for the 2024 Scream Jam. The synopsis is that the Earth, in it's 225 million year orbit around the Milky Way's core, passes through the tail of a giant biological ionized cloud of plasma, creating strange monsters in it's wake. You must help the world find the resources it needs to build a giant shield to protect it from any more creature attacks. Find the pieces to make the huge shield and it's infrastructure. If sucessfull, you'll still have to defeat the remaining monsters, the toughest ones of course. :) 

Good luck to everyone participating in the jam, and happy coding and spooky season!

The Andromeda Galaxy is destined to create a catostrophic collision with our galaxy in a million years, but little do people realize that the process has already begun, the 2 galaxies are already starting to interact, trading matter, energy, and the gasses and dust of creation. Unfortunately for us here on earth, and coincidentally, on Halloween, our solar system is just starting to pass through a Bio Cloud originating from the Andromeda galaxy. In ages past, there was a huge swampland planet 14 times the size of Jupiter that was unlucky enough to orbit a group of black holes, Neutron stars, and a Magnetar at the center of the Andromeda galaxy, so violent was it's chaotic orbit that all of the planet's crust broke apart and was ejected from the Andromeda's core and into the outskirts of\nit's galaxy, on a direct collision course with our solar system. altho the outter shell froze over in it's 100,000 year journey from space, the inside stayed liquid and warm. As the Bio - blob hurled into the inner solar system it began to melt and show a tail like a comet. It was a spectacular sight in the sky, a neon green ball of fire with a murky phosflorescent green tail, in just a few hours the comet's path was to cross the Earth's orbit and bathe the earth in a wonderfull ionic glow as our magnetic field would shield us from any harmfull effects, ... or would it?

Published 4 hours ago
StatusIn development
AuthorRoadhammer Gaming
Tagsscreamjam, screamzone


The Mists Of Andromeda v0.0.0.1.exe 20 MB

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